// // Copyright (c) 2012 Rodolphe Breard // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // var NsClient = function() { this.state = "actif"; this.allowed_statuses = ["actif", "away", "idle", "lock"]; this.is_connected = false; this.socket = null; this.actions = {}; this.actions.ping = {}; this.actions.ping.is = function(msg) { return msg.substr(0, 5) === "ping "; }; this.actions.ping.act = (function(elem) { return function(msg) { chrome.socket.write(elem.socket, str2ab(msg), function(w_inf) {}); }; })(this); this.actions.msg = {}; this.actions.msg.exp = /user_cmd (\d+):user:.*?:(.*?)@(.*?):.*?:(.*?):(.*?) \| msg ([^ ]*)/; this.actions.msg.is = (function(exp) { return function(msg) { console.log(exp); return exp.exec(msg) !== null; }; })(this.actions.msg.exp); this.actions.msg.act = (function(elem) { return function(msg) { var mo = {}; mch = elem.actions.msg.exp.exec(msg); if (mch !== null) { mo.socket = mch[1]; mo.login = mch[2]; mo.host = mch[3]; mo.location = elem.msgDecode(mch[4]); mo.group = mch[5]; mo.message = elem.msgDecode(mch[6]); $cs.ui.addContentToTab(mo.login, mo); } }; })(this); }; NsClient.prototype.msgDecode = function(msg) { msg = unescape(msg) msg = msg.replace('@', '@'); msg = msg.replace('*', '*'); msg = msg.replace('/', '/'); msg = msg.replace('+', '+'); return msg; }; NsClient.prototype.msgEncode = function(msg) { msg = escape(msg) msg = msg.replace('@', '@'); msg = msg.replace('*', '*'); msg = msg.replace('/', '/'); msg = msg.replace('+', '+'); return msg; }; NsClient.prototype.connect = function() { var login, pwd_socks; if (!this.is_connected) { login = $cs.opts.get('login'); pwd_socks = $cs.opts.get('pwd_socks'); if (login !== null && pwd_socks !== null) { chrome.socket.create('tcp', {}, (function(elem) { return function(sock_inf) { elem.socket = sock_inf.socketId; chrome.socket.connect(elem.socket, "ns-server.epita.fr", 4242, function(res) { chrome.socket.read(elem.socket, null, function(rd_inf) { if (rd_inf.resultCode > 0) { var data = ab2str(rd_inf.data).split(' '), auth = "ext_user_log "; auth += login + " "; auth += hex_md5(data[2] + "-" + data[3] + "/" + data[4] + pwd_socks) + " "; auth += "chromesoul chromesoul\n"; chrome.socket.write(elem.socket, str2ab("auth_ag ext_user none none\n"), function(w_inf) { chrome.socket.read(elem.socket, null, function(rd_inf) { if (rd_inf.resultCode > 0) { chrome.socket.write(elem.socket, str2ab(auth), function(w_inf) { chrome.socket.read(elem.socket, null, function(rd_inf) { if (rd_inf.resultCode > 0) { elem.is_connected = true; console.info("connected to the netsoul server"); elem.updateStatus(); elem.daemonize(); } }); }); } }); }); } }); }); }; })(this)); } } }; NsClient.prototype.disconnect = function() { if (this.is_connected) { chrome.socket.disconnect(this.socket); this.is_connected = false; console.info("disconnected"); this.updateStatus(); } }; NsClient.prototype.daemonize = function() { if (this.is_connected) { chrome.socket.read(this.socket, (function(elem) { return function(rd_inf) { if (rd_inf.resultCode > 0) { var at, data = ab2str(rd_inf.data); for (at in elem.actions) { if (elem.actions[at].is(data)) { elem.actions[at].act(data); break ; } } elem.daemonize(); } else { /* * A read error is the only way to know if the remote peer has disconnected. * See for more informations. */ elem.disconnect(); console.info('connection lost, reconnecting...'); } }; })(this)); } else { console.error("unable to daemonize: not connected"); } }; NsClient.prototype.sendMessage = function(to, message) { var msg = "user_cmd msg_user " + to + " msg " + this.msgEncode(message) + "\n"; chrome.socket.write(this.socket, str2ab(msg), function(w_inf) {}); }; NsClient.prototype.updateStatus = function() { var status_txt = document.getElementById("status_txt"); if (this.is_connected) { if (status_txt !== null) { status_txt.innerHTML = this.state; } var status_msg = "user_cmd state "; status_msg += this.state + ":"; status_msg += Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + "\n"; chrome.socket.write(this.socket, str2ab(status_msg), function(w_inf) {}); } else { if (status_txt !== null) { status_txt.innerHTML = 'disconnected'; } } }; NsClient.prototype.changeStatus = function(new_status) { if (this.is_connected) { if (this.allowed_statuses.indexOf(new_status) !== -1) { this.status = new_status; } else { console.warn("invalid status: " + new_status); } } else { console.warn("not connected"); } }; NsClient.prototype.init = function() { var status_update = function(elem) { return function() { elem.updateStatus(); }; }, connect = function(elem) { return function() { if (!elem.is_connected) { elem.connect(); } }; }; status_update(this).apply(); setTimeout(connect(this), 500); setInterval(connect(this), 10000); setInterval(status_update(this), 600000); };