/// Default amount of time during which the input key material will be considered valid once it has been generated.
/// This value is expressed in seconds.
/// Considering that a day is composed of 86400 seconds (60×60×24) and a year is 365.24219 days (approximate value of the [mean tropical year][tropical_year]), this value is equivalent to 10 years.
/// Default amount of time during which a key is valid.
/// This is used for automatic periodic key rotation.
/// This value is expressed in seconds.
/// Considering that a day is composed of 86400 seconds (60×60×24) and a year is 365.24219 days (approximate value of the [mean tropical year][tropical_year]), this value is equivalent to 1 year.
compile_error!("This crate is experimental and therefore comes with absolutely no security guaranty. To use it anyway, enable the \"i-understand-and-accept-the-risks\" feature.");