Indent using tabs

This commit is contained in:
Rodolphe Bréard 2024-11-15 22:59:22 +01:00
parent 6fc4f80ce2
commit 0d5afb169a
Signed by: rodolphe
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:3rodCKnk1MUOfSlIKY0nHbBtvFyQx4EqjS+JIy69lN0

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@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
name = Rodolphe Bréard
email =
signingkey = /home/rodolphe/.ssh/
name = Rodolphe Bréard
email =
signingkey = /home/rodolphe/.ssh/
editor = vim
editor = vim
default = simple
default = simple
s = switch
r = restore
df = diff --color-words
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
unstage = reset HEAD --
last = log -1 HEAD
undo = reset --soft HEAD^
amend = commit --amend
s = switch
r = restore
df = diff --color-words
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
unstage = reset HEAD --
last = log -1 HEAD
undo = reset --soft HEAD^
amend = commit --amend
; ms: merge squash
; Squash commits from the target branch and merge them into the current branch.
ms = merge --squash
; ms: merge squash
; Squash commits from the target branch and merge them into the current branch.
ms = merge --squash
ls = log --oneline
ls = log --oneline
; caa: commit amend append
; Take all uncommitted and un-staged changes currently in the working directory and add them to the previous commit.
caa = commit -a --amend -C HEAD
; caa: commit amend append
; Take all uncommitted and un-staged changes currently in the working directory and add them to the previous commit.
caa = commit -a --amend -C HEAD
; new: see new commits
; Displays commits created by the last command (typically after a git pull).
new = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"'
; new: see new commits
; Displays commits created by the last command (typically after a git pull).
new = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"'
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
[color "branch"]
current = yellow reverse
local = yellow
remote = green
current = yellow reverse
local = yellow
remote = green
[color "diff"]
meta = yellow bold
frag = magenta bold
old = red bold
new = green bold
meta = yellow bold
frag = magenta bold
old = red bold
new = green bold
[color "status"]
added = yellow
changed = green
untracked = cyan
added = yellow
changed = green
untracked = cyan
template = ~/.git_commit_msg.txt
gpgsign = true
template = ~/.git_commit_msg.txt
gpgsign = true
rebase = false
rebase = false
defaultBranch = main
defaultBranch = main
format = ssh
format = ssh