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No commits in common. "d82349213627028d32e5935aae597ada871324eb" and "0cf154c33e6112525e886f50b3f8887dfb2ed068" have entirely different histories.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pacman -S skim
# Rust
pacman -S cargo-audit cargo-outdated cargo-release rustup
# CLI software
pacman -S dog exiv2 gnupg imagemagick mkcert ncdu nmap pass playerctl python-black python-shodan python-weasyprint qrencode rsync shellcheck sqlmap ssh-audit yt-dlp
pacman -S dog exiv2 gnupg imagemagick mkcert ncdu nmap pass playerctl python-shodan python-weasyprint qrencode rsync shellcheck sqlmap ssh-audit yt-dlp
# Hyprland
pacman -S hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland wofi qt5-wayland qt6-wayland
pacman -S pipewire wireplumber pipewire-audio pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pipewire-x11-bell
@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ pacman -S unrar p7zip zip unzip minizip
pacman -S wl-clipboard xclip
pacman -S dosfstools mtools
pacman -S pacman-contrib namcap
``` sh