#!/usr/bin/env python3 import dkim import glob import logging import os import pathlib import shutil import smtplib import sqlite3 import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time ADDR_FROM = "test.from@example.org" ADDR_TO = "test@example.com" DB_NAME = "key-db.sqlite3" DEFAULT_PORT = 2525 def fail(message): print(message, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def cp_tmp_file(path, executable=False): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=f"-{path.name}", delete=False) with open(path, mode="rb") as f: file.write(f.read()) file.flush() flags = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH if executable: flags = flags | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(file.name, flags) file.close() return file def get_cmd_filter_dkimout(test_dir, algorithm, canonicalization, target): filter_path = test_dir.parent / "target" / target / "filter-dkimout" filter_path = cp_tmp_file(filter_path, executable=True).name db_path = test_dir / DB_NAME db_path = cp_tmp_file(db_path).name return ( filter_path, db_path, f"{filter_path} --algorithm '{algorithm}' --canonicalization '{canonicalization}' --key-data-base '{db_path}' --domain 'example.com' --domain 'example.org' --dns-update-cmd 'builtin:none'", ) def get_opensmtpd_config(port, filter_cmd, maildir_path): cfg_content = f"""# OpenSMTPD test configuration # DKIM filter filter "dkim" proc-exec "{filter_cmd}" # Users table vuser {{ "test" = "1000:100:{maildir_path}" }} # Listening listen on port {port} hostname localhost filter "dkim" listen on ::1 port {port} hostname localhost filter "dkim" # Delivering action "deliver" maildir userbase match from any for any action "deliver" """ cfg_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="smtpd-", suffix=".conf") cfg_file.write(cfg_content.encode()) cfg_file.flush() return cfg_file def get_smtp_session(port): return smtplib.SMTP(host="localhost", port=port) def send_msg(smtp, msg_file): with open(msg_file) as f: msg = f.read() smtp.sendmail(ADDR_FROM, ADDR_TO, msg) return 1 return 0 def custom_get_txt(name, timeout=5): db_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / DB_NAME algs_assoc = { "ed25519-sha256": "ed25519", "rsa2048-sha256": "rsa", "rsa3072-sha256": "rsa", "rsa4096-sha256": "rsa", } name = name.decode("UTF-8") selector, domain = name.split("._domainkey.") if domain.endswith("."): domain = domain[:-1] con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() res = cur.execute( "SELECT algorithm, public_key FROM key_db WHERE selector = ? AND sdid = ? LIMIT 1", (selector, domain), ) key = res.fetchone() if key: algorithm = algs_assoc[key[0]] key = key[1] key = f"v=DKIM1; k={algorithm}; p={key}" return key def test_dkim(message_path): with open(message_path, mode="rb") as f: msg = f.read() d = dkim.DKIM(msg, logger=logging) if d.verify(dnsfunc=custom_get_txt): return 1 return 0 def start_opensmtpd(cfg_path): args = [ shutil.which("sudo"), shutil.which("smtpd"), "-d", "-f", cfg_path.name, ] p = subprocess.Popen(args) time.sleep(5) return p.pid def kill_opensmtpd(pid): if pid is not None: subprocess.Popen([shutil.which("sudo"), shutil.which("kill"), f"{pid}"]) def fix_perms(path): subprocess.Popen([shutil.which("sudo"), shutil.which("chmod"), "-R", "777", path]) def get_maildir(): maildir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="Maildir_") flags = ( stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IXOTH ) os.chmod(maildir.name, flags) return maildir def start_tests(test_dir, smtp_port, canonicalization): # Sending emails to OpenSMTPD maildir = get_maildir() f, d, filter_cmd = get_cmd_filter_dkimout( test_dir, "ed25519-sha256", canonicalization, "debug" ) nb = 0 nb_total = 0 pid_smtpd = None try: cfg_path = get_opensmtpd_config(smtp_port, filter_cmd, maildir.name) pid_smtpd = start_opensmtpd(cfg_path) with get_smtp_session(smtp_port) as smtp_session: for test_msg in glob.iglob(f"{test_dir}/*.msg"): nb_total += 1 nb += send_msg(smtp_session, test_msg) except e: kill_opensmtpd(pid_smtpd) raise e finally: os.remove(f) os.remove(d) msg = "messages" if nb > 1 else "message" print(f"{nb} {msg} delivered") nb_failed = nb_total - nb if nb_failed > 0: msg = "messages" if nb_failed > 1 else "message" fail(f"{nb_failed} {msg} could not be delivered") # Testing DKIM signatures nb_dkim_ok = 0 nb_dkim_total = 0 fix_perms(f"{maildir.name}/Maildir") maildir_glob = f"{maildir.name}/Maildir/new/*" nb_sleep = 0 while True: nb_sleep += 1 if nb_sleep > 6: fail("Some messages have not been received.") time.sleep(nb_sleep) if len(glob.glob(maildir_glob)) == nb_total: break kill_opensmtpd(pid_smtpd) for test_msg in glob.glob(maildir_glob): nb_dkim_total += 1 nb_dkim_ok += test_dkim(test_msg) msg = "messages" if nb_dkim_ok > 1 else "message" print(f"{nb_dkim_ok} {msg} passed the DKIM signature test") nb_failed = nb_dkim_total - nb_dkim_ok if nb_failed > 0: msg = "messages" if nb_failed > 1 else "message" fail(f"{nb_failed} {msg} failed the DKIM signature test") def main(): test_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() os.chdir(test_dir.parent) start_tests(test_dir, DEFAULT_PORT, "relaxed/relaxed") start_tests(test_dir, DEFAULT_PORT, "simple/simple") if __name__ == "__main__": main()