Rodolphe Bréard 449c161911 Add playerctl bindings to i3
Since version 3.4.5, Rhythmbox dropped the mmkeys plugin, stating that
it is "no longer useful" and it "has been obsoleted by MPRIS". This
change broke the media keys support on i3.

Since the regression is on purpose, there might not be no way to get
this mmkeys plugin back in Rhythmbox. The workaround is therefore to use
MPRIS. I chose playerctl since it is the most straightforward to me. A
few i3 key bindings later, media keys were back in control of Rhythmbox!
2022-07-12 22:53:31 +02:00

79 lines
1.8 KiB

# dotfiles
This is just a bunch of dotfiles.
## ArchLinux packages
``` sh
# Base utils
pacman -S htop kitty-terminfo neovim openssh tmux transmission-cli tree wget whois zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting
pacman -S shared-mime-info xdg-user-dirs
pacman -S skim
# Rust
pacman -S cargo-audit cargo-outdated cargo-release rustup
# CLI software
pacman -S bind exiv2 imagemagick mkcert ncdu nmap playerctl rsync shellcheck sqlmap yt-dlp
# WM
pacman -S i3status
pacman -S i3lock scrot
pacman -S grim
# Graphical software
pacman -S atril firefox gedit gimp handbrake kitty mpv openshot pcmanfm rhythmbox ristretto tumbler thunderbird vlc zathura
# Fonts
pacman -S noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-dejavu ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation
# Command-line copy/paste utilities
pacman -S wl-clipboard xclip
pacman -S dosfstools mtools
``` sh
# Base utils
yay -S liquidprompt
# Printer
yay -S brother-dcp1610w brscan-skey brscan4
# Graphical software
yay -S cardpeek
## vim
Plugins are managed by Vundle, which is a git submodule. After cloning the `dotfiles` repository, you have to initialize the submodule and install all plugins.
``` sh
cd dotfiles/
git submodule init
git submodule update
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Plugins can be updated with `vim +PluginUpdate +qall`.
Updating the Vundle submodule:
``` sh
cd .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
git checkout master
git pull
cd -
git commit -m 'Update Vundle'
## wallpaper
The wallpaper is randomly set from images (png, jpg and jpeg) from `~/pictures/wallpapers/enabled/`. You should populate this directory with symbolic links pointing to images stored in `~/pictures/wallpapers/`.
## /etc/locale.conf
cat >/etc/locale.conf << EOF